Monday 9 December 2013


Why is it that when you are feeling particularly disappointed that despite swimming 30 lengths a day for the last four months you are still struggling to fasten the button on your jeans, your answer is to shove a stollen bite into your mouth? Further to my previous post on 'nibbles' I will give stollen bites their due, you could, if you liked, do one bite. I don't of course, I just shove the whole thing in. The reason for this is not simply greed, it is also the desire to prevent icing sugar deposits on my clothing.
Stollen may contain nuts so if you were going to try stollen bites on my recommendation please be warned.
I don't really have a nut allergy although I did discover something interesting after painting my outdoor furniture with a caustic and acid based varnish remover. Having completed the job, I read the instructions on the tin, only to discover I should have been wearing gloves. My hands were fine and had suffered no ill effects from contact with the aforementioned dangerous substance. However, as a precautionary measure I went and washed my hands using some liquid soap containing almond oil. My hands immediately reacted to the soothing oil and burst out in red welts accompanied by frenzied itching.
There would usually be a poignant message behind my blog but this time all I would say is, stollen bites and almond oil can cause damage if used inappropriately.